
Informal Writing Assignments #1

             The exmaine life  I took is Philosopher Peter singer's video. At begining of the showing, he metions that "what should you be spending monery on?" That's an interestion question.  In this video, he gives us a example of a drowning child without his/her partens. And you have a nice shoes, if we are going to save this drowning child, we will broke this shoes.The philosopher ask us do we will save this child? My answer is: absolutly yes. Even though I will lost my shoes, but I can save one person's life. I thought almost people will agree with me and also do this way, because, facing a person's life exist, we would not care about shoes, we will think them is much important than material. we will care about how we can affect someone's life. However, after this, Peter singer give me another one interesting opinion, if we can save this child, why people do not  donate money to them? If we don't buy too many clothes and shoes, and we exchange to money give to poor people, it also save their's life. Why people do not do this way? I was thinking about this point for long time. Sometimes we perfer to give people help when they really need it. But we do not to give them help on our daily life.
           As same as the shoes example, there are many examples which I know. Yesterday, I saw a news on my friend's facebook. It said some poor child need clothes and stationery, these people need our help and want our to donate them. I feel so sad for these kinds of news. We always help people who near ourself, but do not too much take care of farer people. One reason that I think is we really do not know what they need, and how much help they want, and we do not really know their real situation such as does they really need clothes, or need other stuffs, or maybe they need food or something else. And even though we give them helps, do they can get it. In china, like some earthquake place, people who in other place give them money, clothes, food and many. But most of the donate stuff were grafted by some local government, and poor people do not really get help from others. It is a bad situation. So some people afriad of to helping people who far away, and they do not want their donate does not give to someone else.
          At last part of video, Philosopher Peter singer said ethics does not come from religion, it come from ourself. In my opinion, even though ethics not from religion, it has a little bit relationship with religion, some people's ethices deponds on their own culture, religion, and country. They are decided by their own thinking, and make a choise to thinking about do they need help poor people, how can they help poor people. After I saw this video, I feel encouraged, I think I will make change in my life. It like I will save more money to use them to help people who really need it.

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